Tiago Barbas and PCAC proudly bring you the monster of all pick games!
Every entry gets a custom Monster PCAC pick and will be entered into a draw to win one of the following 2 prizes
Complete Set of Custom Monster picks
Custom large Monster pick designed in collaboration with Tiago
Custom large Monster pick designed in collaboration with Tiago
Additionally, lucky entrants will also have random Monster picks shared out amongst them
Tiago customs are in high demand in the pick collecting world and this is where the idea for a game to get a PCAC custom with a chance to win a full set of Monster Picks came from.
Tiago and Lee have been friends a while now through their hobby of pick collecting.
Tiago has supported PCAC for a long time and surprised Lee with the $100,000 custom pick to celebrate hitting that target.
He also sorted the hand painted big pick from street artist Heliobray that was auctioned off.
Tiago has supported PCAC for a long time and surprised Lee with the $100,000 custom pick to celebrate hitting that target.
He also sorted the hand painted big pick from street artist Heliobray that was auctioned off.